Thursday, 10 April 2014


  • Creative thinking:
    High human cretaive thinking lays on overcoming the challenges and obstacles that may influence personl developing. The logical question that comes to mind ; is how can a peson make a change of his feelings and behaviours .The matter seems to be easy at first .Whereas some my consider it a far fetched thing .
    Here are some useful steps to break the negative feelings that affect our creative thinking :
    Step one :
    Your first act to alter old fashioned feelings and behaviours with new ones, based on crative thinknig, is to precise your feelings .Most people feel burdened with inner impacts to the point that they can not percieve their feelings's nature. what they are aware of : is that they have negative emotions .Though this feeling is far from the reality .What is recommended in this stage is to identify exactly what is going on inside yourself . well done one finds it easy to surpass his inner struggle .
    Step two:
     Knowing your real emotions and feelings, leads to well understading and well exploiting your whole behaviours .That requires two crucial principles :
    - to be honest with yourself and your feelings; The idea that all what you feel is wrong and negative ,will affect your communication with yourself and othes as well. Instead you should be grateful because there is a part of your mind that provides  support to your effort which aims to change some of your feelings's features
    Step three:
    To handle negative emotions and change them with positive ones .Whenever you feel negatively towards others ,think for awhile to what can these feeling result to ,then what to do to lessen things : when you experience loneliness, get to love as a refuge . Now you are aware how negative feelings guide you to positive substitute ones.
    Step four:
    To improve yourself confidence and ability to make a real change, back to your historical experiences .They are your precious treasure to inspire solutions from similar cases you went through once ago .
    Step five :
    To be confident that you are able to tackle any issue ,especially when it comes to offensive feeling whether towards yourself or others. Not only at the moment but at the future as well .You have to apply creative ways which enable you change and enhance your skills to communicate with yourself and your surroundings.
    Step six:
    Be sure this is your right path to creative thinking .-You have identified your real negative feeling and behaviours
    -you have understood and well grasped their nature .
    -you have applied your previous experiences ,then deduced beneficial  lessons for your emotional life, as a result you have remodeled your whole life up down .
    By these successful strategies you are now fit to control and master your emotions ,feelings and ultimately your whole behaviours.

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