Thursday, 10 April 2014


    To be creative in your thinking, means to forgo your old fashioned thoughts becaus they become out dated. Instead you should hold new updated ones that enable you to succeed personally and professionally
which figures that creative thinking is a new system to your life change.
Your current state, your behaviors,  and actions are results to your previous ways of thinking, you may wonder how may thinking ways alter your whole life's style.
Among the difficulties that stand as a roadblock to people's and companies' development is the resistance against change.Most of them reckon that their success and achievements are results to their actions,while they ignore how crucial is change to a sustainable development .
To be realistic if we desire to prompt our life level higher. First we have to overcome this fear to make a change and free our mind of old styles, related to our manners which affect our relations with others moreover it confine our mind in problems every now and then.
We have to replace those previous old styles with new ones that may lead us to the right path towards a happy life.
But knowing " how to" is not enough, theory should be applied otherwise it may remain like a fiction .You may ask and then?
Some tips for help:
-Firts of all you have to observe your behaviors. once you notice any uprising negative ones, make them up with others aiming to improve all the angles of your life (see the seven fundamental keys of success).
-Adding to that decide what are your needs, and their effects concerning your happiness and life control.
-Apply self impulses to build a new system, then work on to avoid pain and failure, while you endavor to prompt you life's level.
-Also apply what we call mind mastering system: take control on your acts attitudes and emotions.So take action from this moment: commit yourself to master your conscious and your emotions. then measure to what extent can you be aware of your conduct. sure it will be your turning point to a new view of life.

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